Friday, September 30, 2005

There was a time when all I wanted was a decent home to escape from the pound. 2 sqaure meals. A walk every once in a while. But you know, I was selling myself short. I am short. But that's another story. I thought beagles (or in my case, mostly beagle, I think--never knew my parents) were destined to sniff the ground, look cute, and bark at little animals.

That was until I heard of Bowden Simpson. I've been living well below my potential. If Bowden can make sweet old ladies in the nursing home feel happy for a second, so can I! If Bowden can talk to preachers in Biloxi about how he can help with hurrican relief, so can I! If Bowden can sit in on legal depositions, so can I! (not sure if I want to, but I can do it).

So... My goal is to be like Bowden Simpson. If only Brett would give me the chance! Posted by Picasa


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